Current version
N.AES 2.0
Again a new look, this time it can use animated colour-icons in all window-widgets.
It's shipped with several looks, most of them rather boring. Try
mine, or make your own.

There's a lot more than this...
- Completely rewritten window-routines, it's a lot faster with much better
feedback. Try Interface or LZH-Shell and see what I mean :-)
- A MiNT-friendly WDialog-replacement - N.Dialog - is included. I've not tested
it much, but it feels very compatible so far. It doesn't have the print-dialog
- Multilanguage-support. Even though the documentation still says that the
variable "LANGUAGE" in n_aes.cnf doesn't do anything yet, it actually
does. Change this to "LANGUAGE=1" for the english version.
- Supports the AES object-extensions in MagiC.
N.AES 1.2.0
N.AES 1.2.0 has a new window-look, with a Mac/MagiC-like titlebar and "3D"/shadowed
title and widgets. The widgets are still misaligned though...
Other features
- The problem with the system-palette in truecolour-modes is gone.
- Even more configurable, some new variables are introduced in n_aes.cnf.
These are not documented, but listed in the sample n_aes.cnf.
- realtime-scrolling of windows on/off (true/false
- switch on/off (true/false
) the 3D-grooves
in the title-bar in windows.
- Judging from the N.AES-bindings some AES-calls have been extended. These
are not documented.
The 1.2.0 "freshup" is free for 1.1.6- and 1.1.7-owners. Contact your dealer or
Woller Systeme for more information.
Updated 10121999