FreeMiNT setup for the Firebee
This is the official FreeMiNT setup for the FireBee, every FireBee will be shipped with this installed.
It contains the following components:
- FreeMiNT and XaAES
- A choice of three desktops and a GEM program to choose which one to use.
- A patch-program and instructions on how to install NVDI 5 on the FireBee.
- Latest version of all firmware (EmuTOS, FireTOS, FPGA...) and a tool to update the FLASH memory.
- Networking with DHCP enabled. Just connect the FireBee to your LAN and switch it on.
- A GEM program to configure network settings.
- The web-browser NetSurf 2.9.
- A set of useful tools.
- Development software: AHCC, Digger and ResourceMaster.
1. Download it here
2. Prepare your FireBee
Before you attempt to use this setup you must prepare your FireBee. If you don't follow these instructions you will run into problems for sure. If your FireBee was delivered with FreeMiNT pre-installed, you can skip this section as it will already be set up correctly.
Upgrade the firmware
In the folder "FLASHER" in the root of the archive you will find the latest versions of all the firmware, a tool to flash them and instructions on how to do it. Make sure that atleast FireTOS and the FPGA is updated! Networking will not work with older versions.
Configure FireTOS
Use the FireTOS Configuration CPX to configure FireTOS as follows:
- Cache-mode must be set to "Normal".
- The monitor boot-mode must be set to VGA, 640x480, 65536 colours.
- The clock must be set to a valid time and date! Use the "clock" CPX for this.
3. Install
- Unpack the archive to an empty boot-partition on your CF-card. It's possible to install it over an existing system if you know what you're doing. If you do so you're on your own.
- Make sure that c:\auto\sboot.prg runs before mintv4e.prg. Use ColdBoot (sboot.prg) to sort the autofolder if not. It is not critical to do this right away, it can be done later if the boot manager starts after FreeMiNT.
- Reboot and select the MiNT-edition of FireTOS in the boot-menu.
FreeMiNT will now boot, please follow the instructions. If you have any questions or run into some unsolvable problem you can reach us at our mailing list or in the FireBee section at
Jo Even Skarstein