If you have any problems with these betas, please mail me. Don't upload any of these to other sites, as there's no documentation included in the archives.

Jo Even Skarstein

021299 - Taskbar 2.70 beta 2

A couple of fatal bugs removed, Geneva- and MagiC-support improved.

Changes and bugfixes:

Known bugs:

Download Taskbar 2.70b2

281199 - Taskbar 2.70 beta

It's now exactly five months since the last public beta, and I must admit that I really haven't done much...

Changes and bugfixes:

Known bugs:


When you install this version, you must delete any config-files saved with 2.60b! To install it just unpack the archive somewhere, but please remember to set the x-bits on the *.prg- and *.ovl-files if you're on a minix- or ext2-partition.

270699 - Taskbar 2.60 beta 2

Changes and bugfixes:

160699 - Taskbar 2.60 beta

Changes and bugfixes:

Taskbar 3 (look above) is due sometime this year - perhaps...

100499 - Taskbar 2.51 beta

Changes and bugfixes:

Please note that I will not add more features to this incarnation of Taskbar, I will only attempt to fix bugs. A completely redesigned and rewritten version should be ready for test in three or four months. It will be extremely modular and object-oriented, and a lot more flexible than the current version. Everything, even the application- and Start-buttons, will be handled as equal objects by the core application, Taskbar. The basic services will be linked with Taskbar, but the plan is to allow Taskbar to load extensions as a CD-player, mail-notifier, desktop-icons etc. from MagiC6-style shared libraries. I'm in the middle of designing the basics of this now, any feedback and suggestions are highly welcome :-)

Taskbar 2.11 beta

Changes and bugfixes:

081198 - Taskbar 2.10 beta

Lots of changes since 2.03...

Please test this version and report any bugs (there's bound to be quite a few...) ASAP. Hopefully I will update the documentation and release Taskbar 2.50 in a week or two.

080898 - Taskbar 2.03 beta


190798 - Taskbar 2.02 beta

Some small fixes, one major bug eradicated:

120798 - Taskbar 2.01 beta

Just some small fixes:

Updated 12/02/2000