If you have any problems with these betas, please
mail me. Don't upload any of these to other sites, as there's no documentation
included in the archives.
Jo Even Skarstein
021299 - Taskbar 2.70 beta 2
A couple of fatal bugs removed, Geneva- and MagiC-support
Changes and bugfixes:
- Evaluates the environment-variable
. Set this to point
to your favourite search-utility, e.g. export FINDER=c:\thing\thingfnd.app
- "Start shell" is now completely removed from the Start-menu when appropriate.
- It should now work properly in monochrome again :-) It still needs atleast
16 colours to display icons though.
- "Shutdown" now works under MagiC if the environment-variable
is set.
- Greatly improved Geneva-support. Should now work 99% under Geneva. Only
tested with Geneva 006.
- Improved MagiC-support. Still not perfect though, but I'm working on it.
- Killed a really serious bug which caused a bus-error at startup if
wasn't present.
Known bugs:
- "Start shell" bombs under Geneva+MiNT. I haven't really looked into this
yet, but it might be a problem with TosWin under Geneva.
- Topping an application under MagiC will bring the menu-bar to focus, but
not actually top any windows. Strange... Other than that I believe MagiC-support
is complete.
- I've removed a lot of kludges in the font-code, a side-effect is that the
system-font is not centered correctly in the buttons.
- I'm still using
to change a process' priority, this
doesn't work correctly with MiNT >= 1.15.3.
- One person has a problem with DHST-support, Taskbar crash as soon as it
tries to install or remove the DHST-cookie. I have not been able to reproduce
this bug, but some of the fixes I've implemented this weekend might
have fixed this.
Download Taskbar 2.70b2
281199 - Taskbar 2.70 beta
It's now exactly five months since the last public beta, and I must admit that
I really haven't done much...
Changes and bugfixes:
- Experimental support for MagiC and Geneva. Please try it out if you
have one of these AESes, but don't expect too much. There are still a lot
of problems with hiding/showing/killing applications. I'm hoping to fix this
sometime after Christmas.
- It now supports icons in the application-buttons. These are stored in
You can add icons yourself, but so far these must be 16x16 pixels!
- Lots of changes to the code due to MagiC- and Geneva-support. I might have
introduced bugs here...
- Lots of changes to
(which now is called config.ovl
btw.) to support MagiC. Linked it with CF-Lib pl11 which apparently fixed
a few problems I had with MagiC.
- Fixed a few minor bugs in the Start-menu.
Known bugs:
- I've removed a lot of kludges in the font-code, a side-effect is that the
system-font is not centered correctly in the buttons.
- I'm still using
to change a process' priority, this
doesn't work correctly with MiNT >= 1.15.3.
- One person has a problem with DHST-support, Taskbar crash as soon as it
tries to install or remove the DHST-cookie. I have not been able to reproduce
this bug, but some of the fixes I've implemented this weekend might
have fixed this.
- Mono-support is still bogus :-(
When you install this version, you must delete any config-files saved with
2.60b! To install it just unpack the archive somewhere, but please remember to
set the x-bits on the *.prg- and *.ovl-files if you're on a minix- or ext2-partition.
270699 - Taskbar 2.60 beta 2
Changes and bugfixes:
- Bug: The heap was corrupted, which lead to serious problems with the CPX-menu
on certain systems.
- Bug: Using *.grp-files in separators didn't work.
- Added checksum-testing of Taskbar.inf. Taskbar will complain about a corrupted
Taskbar.inf, just load the file anyway and save the configuration again.
- It's now a couple of steps closer to full MagiC-compatibility.
160699 - Taskbar 2.60 beta
Changes and bugfixes:
- There was a small bug in the AV_DRAGACCWIND-handler which caused a memory-violation.
- Start-menu totally re-organised. Just try it out, there should be plenty
of bugs there for you to find ;-)
- Index.grp is moved to the first level, this means that it's now possible
to have four levels of groups instead of three.
- Added a sub-menu with all active CPX-modules. This is currently hardcoded
to look for *.cpx in c:\cpx.
- The popups was not displayed properly in mono.
- Cleaned up a lot of code.
Taskbar 3 (look above) is due sometime this year - perhaps...
100499 - Taskbar 2.51 beta
Changes and bugfixes:
- Several problems re. non-proportional bitmap-fonts should be resolved.
- If an accessory owned the only open window and it was closed, it's button
on Taskbar was not updated.
- Put in a lot of sanity-checks to prevent possible crashes when a lot of
Start-menu objects was loaded.
- The popups can no longer be larger than the screen, if this happened Taskbar
(or to be more presise, the AES) would crash. I'm trying to implement scrollable
menus, but haven't succeded yet.
- The looks of the popups is slightly changed. Mono-users, please let me know
if they still work! Since "upgrading" to NVDI5 I'm no longer able to use my
graphics-card in mono.
Please note that I will not add more features to this incarnation of Taskbar,
I will only attempt to fix bugs. A completely redesigned and rewritten version
should be ready for test in three or four months. It will be extremely modular
and object-oriented, and a lot more flexible than the current version. Everything,
even the application- and Start-buttons, will be handled as equal objects by the
core application, Taskbar. The basic services will be linked with Taskbar, but
the plan is to allow Taskbar to load extensions as a CD-player, mail-notifier,
desktop-icons etc. from MagiC6-style shared libraries. I'm in the middle of designing
the basics of this now, any feedback and suggestions are highly welcome :-)
Taskbar 2.11 beta
Changes and bugfixes:
- Colours for text, selected text, background, selected background and shadows
can now be configured individually for the Start-button, application-buttons,
accessory-buttons, desktop, background and clock.
- New (again, sorry...) Taskbar.inf, please delete the old and reconfigure.
It won't be the last time, please be patient with me. The good news is that
Taskbar now performs a version-check on the config-file.
- More intelligent checking of applications, Taskbar is now faster and more
efficient. It will improve even more in the next release.
- It's now possible to not display accessories ("Show accs" in config-program).
- The seconds are removed from the clock.
- Clock now visible in mono, configuration-program works better in mono.
- Killed 20 or so bugs ;-)
081198 - Taskbar 2.10 beta
Lots of changes since 2.03...
- Better handling of quotes filenames. Quoted filenames can be unquoted by
holding right shift while dragging the file to the Taskbar.
- Lots of changes in the redraw-code which should result in more accurate
- The text in the start-button is now editable. It's also possible to use
- Taskbar will look for 'sendto.grp' if 'Index.grp' can't be found. When/if
Thing supports a hierarchial sendto-menu you can use the same menu for both
sendto and Taskbar's "Applications"-menu.
- All keypresses are redirected to the AV-server.
- Better BubbleGEM-support.
- Autohide can be toggled on/off with single left-click on Taskbar's background.
- A clock is added. Try clicking on it.
- Removed the "Run program..."-dialog, it never worked as intended anyway.
I have some plans for this, but for now it only opens Thing's "Open object"-fileselector.
- Lots of internal changes, large parts of the code is now rewritten. Hopefully
this will ease the MagiC-port...
- Completely new configuration-program. This is compiled with gcc and linked
with CF-lib and MiNTlibs. As a result the code is now about 10 times as large
as the previous version...
- The syntax of Taskbar.inf is changed, so please delete the old Taskbar.inf
and reconfigure!.
Please test this version and report any bugs (there's bound to be quite a few...)
ASAP. Hopefully I will update the documentation and release Taskbar 2.50 in a
week or two.
080898 - Taskbar 2.03 beta
- Redraws should now be flicker-free and faster.
- DHST finally properly implemented.
- Fixed bug in "Documents"-menu where long entries was bugged (The "CAB-bug"
mentioned in 2.01b).
- Taskbar now supports quoted filenames, both in Drag'n Drop and DHST. Please
test this if you can!
190798 - Taskbar 2.02 beta
Some small fixes, one major bug eradicated:
- Bug: Shortened application-names wasn't redrawed correctly.
- If the mouse-pointer rests over a button with a shortened title, a BubbleGEM-bubble
will pop up and display the full title.
- Hypertext updated.
120798 - Taskbar 2.01 beta
Just some small fixes:
Updated 12/02/2000